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Today we decided to explore the coves and bays on the south east tip of the island. Rich people take their boats there, moor up for a swim in the turquoise waters and have lunch in the little restaurants on the beach.

Sounds wonderful however we don't fancy the 1000€ the diesel would have cost to get there so we went by car and just to spoil the day it rained (pictured right).

The bays and coves were very photogenic and we had a nice walk between the showers and anyhow it was warm rain. I am pleased to say the rain has passed and it is now a pleasant 24C on deck, the beer is nicely chilled and we are booked into a good restaurant for dinner so life is not so bad.

One interesting point.  The bays are in a conservation area and the authorities charge 5€ a day parking however the profits go to mental health charities so you feel the money is going to a good cause rather than to be wasted by the local council so you don't mind paying.