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Another great days walking along mountain paths between the villages. The very photogenic bridges were built between 200 and 300 years ago to link together the various mountain communities during a time of some prosperity. We assume they are so high to accommodate flooding, there is little chance of trees etc getting caught and creating a dam which in turn would lead to the bridge being washed away.

On one stretch of isolated path we heard heavy footsteps and grunting, Gill prepared her camera ready to photograph me being attacked by a bear when a middle aged jogger appeared who seemed to grunt at each step. A bit of a disappointment.

The area is known as the Vikos–Aoös National Park and is about 80km by 30km, it is part of the Pindos mountain range. The whole area is covered in small oak trees whose leaves are just beginning to turn, in two weeks time it will probably be even more beautiful, unfortunately we move on tomorrow but it is somewhere we would definitely come back to.