So what did we think of Ruthin?  - It was OK but nothing to make us return and I suppose the lack of attractions explains why we had not been before.  The Gaol was interesting but only occupied and hour and a half and the town has some nice old buildings, the picture at the top of the page is of the town square.  We were surprised at the lack of restaurants, last night we tried the only recommended restaurant in town, it was full on a Tuesday evening with two sittings so there is clearly a market but somehow Ruthin seems a bit run down, a shame.  The grubby tent in the picture is used we presume for special events at the Castle but it has seen better days which rather sums up the place.

So where next?  Gill is off to the USA at the weekend for a couple of weeks visiting Jake, Gemma and the gang, leaving me to plan the next expedition on her return.  

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