We have now completed our short trip. Throughout this holiday I have been referring to the Brecon and Monmouth Canal, fairly early on Gill pointed out this was wrong as it is the Monmouthshire & Brecon canal but just to annoy her I have refrained from correcting my mistake, after all the canal no longer goes to Monmouth so why should it take the lead!
As you can see it is correctly described on the bench pictured above, these benches appear at regular intervals along the towpath and were made to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of the canal.
We finished the journey by motoring up to the end of the canal in Brecon where, with lots of people watching, I did a very good three point turn and the smoothly brought the boat into a mooring right outside Brecon theatre where we had some excellent cake and a cup of tea. It is always a mistake to think you have cracked steering a narrow boat as two hours later when I tried to reverse into a space in the boatyard I made a complete mess of it, fortunately only one or two people were watching this time.
Was it a good holiday? Yes although we normally like to spend longer on our canal trips as it takes three or four days to get into the routine (and slow down). Everyone says the canal is very beautiful and they are right. We were very lucky with the weather, the woollies and waterproofs stayed in the cupboard the whole week, not what we expected in Wales.
The scene of my bad steering, I wanted to reverse alongside the other boats, I had to content with going in forwards in the end.
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