
Retired folk like us hunker down at Easter as there is no point in joining “carmageddon” as the press describe the traffic chaos and as all the shops and town centres are also busy so we don’t venture out.

So I spent a traditional Easter doing a bit of decorating and now have stiff arms as I have not done anything physical (apart from walking) for some time.

It is our 49th wedding anniversary this coming weekend (5th April - easy to remember as it is the end of the tax year.  By getting married on the 5th we received a big tax refund, if we left it a day later we would have got nothing).  To celebrate we are going on an exotic holiday!  Shrewsbury, you can't get much more exotic than that although I expect it will rain and it is a long way from the beach.  

There are two good hotels in Shrewsbury, one, The Prince Rupert took in the homeless of Shrewsbury during the covid pandemic the story of which Christina Lamb, a Sunday Times journalist, wrote a book about.  The sad thing was that having been well looked after, helped to get jobs and sort themselves out all of them reverted to living on the streets.  I stayed in the Prince Rupert on my Severn Way Walk (the Severn Way - Unplanned available on Amazon order your copy now) so this time we are trying the other posh hotel (Drapers Hall).  I don't suppose the bed will be as grand as the one in the picture which is Tudor and is called the Corbet Bed, it is displayed in Shrewsbury museum. 

We have made a couple of reservations in good restaurants and we will also go on a Town Tour to gather some boring information to put in the next blog entry.  Something for you to look forward to.

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