
We came home via Lichfield, the last time we visited was whilst we were house hunting in Staffordshire in 1979 so we decided it was time to revisit. 

There are two famous people associated with the city, Samuel Johnson (who was born there) and Erasmus Darwin (who was a local doctor).  Both have museums commemorating their lives, Darwin's was particularly interesting. 

He was a doctor, an inventor and a successful poet.   He was the founder of the Lunar Society a group of distinguished intellectuals including the entrepreneur Matthew Boulton, the engineer James Watt, the radical polymath Joseph Priestley who discovered oxygen, and the innovative potter and social reformer Josiah Wedgwood.

In his book Zoonomia published in 1794 he introduced the concept of evolution but it was far to revolutionary an idea to promote, that was left to his grandson Charles Darwin whose book published 60 years later caused a revolution in science. 

During his lifetime he was quite famous but Erasmus was disliked by the establishment not only for his ideas on evolution but he campaigned against the slave trade and did a lot to promote education for women so after his death little more was heard about him. The picture above is taken from his house looking over his garden towards the cathedral.

Samuel Johnson was born in Lichfield, his father was a not very successful bookseller.  His son moved to London, published a number of books and pamphlets but is most famous for his dictionary.  

We are now home ready for the next round of chemo which starts on Friday after which we will head off somewhere else - watch this space for more exciting adventures.

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