At last, after three months of lockdown we have had a nice meal in a restaurant! Chatting to another boater at a lock this morning he recommended a marina restaurant which he said was very smart so we thought it sounded just the job for us in our dirty boating clothes and windswept hair. So we stopped there for lunch (pictured above) and very nice it was too although I suspect my view is a little distorted by not having a meal out since the beginning of March.
Despite too large glasses of wine I managed to jump on and off the boat without mishap as we negotiated ten more locks. Gill is so pleased with her driving skills that she steered into nine of them which puts the pressure on me not to hit the sides on the one I was allowed to do.
We had a walk round Stone another town we used to visit regularly when I worked nearby, it used to be a little run down and full of traffic, now it is pedestrianised and is quite smart so some things have improved.
We are now moored in Trentham and hopefully will visit the gardens tomorrow after which we might visit the Wedgewood museum. We had intended to go though the Harecastle tunnel, it is over a mile long but we discovered today due to the virus we have to book and cannot go through until Wednesday. Not sure what difference the virus makes, surely being on our own in a mile long tunnel is socially distanced enough.