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Bollington to Marple - 8 Miles

We have been away for a week now and are beginning to get into the swing of canal life and eating and drinking in the new socially distanced world (I won’t say “New Normal”, an awful expression).
Only two pubs so far have taken our names and telephone numbers (they are all supposed to), the restaurants where we made bookings have our telephone number but the Thai restaurant on Thursday night has no way of tracing us although in fairness this was the most careful place we have eaten regards masks, hand cleaning etc. Most pubs seem to let you order at the bar with a screen to protect the barman but at lunchtime today we were firmly told to go to a table where eventually we were served by a lady who was not wearing any form of mask or visor.
The good people of Macclesfield seemed more “distance” aware than at home or in Stafford, people kept well apart even crossing the road although very few wore masks. We were surprised by a comment from another boater who seemed horrified that we were going out to have dinner inside a restaurant, it may be famous last words but you do have to live a little. Tonight we are eating in an Italian restaurant, when making the booking I noticed that each table is in it’s own plastic cubical so it will be like eating in a greenhouse.

We went almost a week without using cash and I only did that as a £4.00 transaction seemed too small for a card.

Neither of us were sleeping very well at home during lock-down, although we had at least a 2 mile walk every day we were not very active and of course did not go out at night. Now being active all day and with plenty of fresh air we are both sleeping like logs.

We are now in a place called Marple which is at the top of a flight of 16 locks which we will tackle tomorrow so we will be very hungry and tired by the evening. By Monday we will be in the suburbs of Manchester, we have heard all sorts of alarming stories of troublesome, bored youths making a nuisance of themselves as well as muck in the canal fouling up the propeller so we might be in for some excitement.
So tune in tomorrow for another exciting adventure of Gill and John go to Manchester.