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Hurlestone Junction to Platts Lane - Only 16 miles!

Today the sun tried to shine through most of the time so we thought we would try and get as far as we could. We will be coming back the same way next week so can break the journey up with visits to the towns and villages en-route. If it is raining by then we will be glad of the chance to get off the boat. According to my crude bit of string on the map we only managed 16 miles today, there were quite a few locks including one “staircase” which is four locks in one and we did stop for an excellent pub lunch but I was surprised we had not managed to clock up more miles.
We are now moored in a hamlet called Platt Lane about 5 miles north of Wem. It has no mobile signal, no mobile data and no pub which seems to have closed some time ago. Perhaps if the pub had promoted itself as not having a mobile signal it could have become a Mecca for grumpy old farts like me. So we had to eat in, Gill cooked a nice dinner, we opened one of the 24 bottles of wine we brought with us (only 12 left, don’t know where the others have gone) and then had a domestic dispute! If Gill cooks I think it is my duty to do all the washing and drying up, after all she is on holiday. But no she insists on interfering and doing the drying up as well.