
Today is our 44th wedding anniversary, as I got married when I was 22 this means I have been a married man for twice as long as a single one – quite a milestone. To celebrate and to prove we are not as old as we look we cycled in thirty degree heat up the valley, took a lot of photographs of the stunning scenery and then whizzed down again in time for a late lunch and a siesta. Gill deemed the swimming pool which is right next to our chalet too cold but it does look good in the photographs. 
We have stayed off the vino as tonight we are driving back up the valley to an observatory where we hope to do some stargazing.  

Unfortunately we are getting close to the end of the holiday, I know this because this morning I did the washing and discovered that I did not need to wash everything as there are only four days left.

Tomorrow we will visit a Pisco distillery and perhaps sample a few drops in preparation for Sunday which will be a long drive (460km) back south where we will stay on a beach for one night.
On Monday after some sight seeing we will head back to Santiago where we are staying in an airport hotel so we don't have to rush on Tuesday morning.