Last night we asked our Polish landlady where the best place to eat was, she directed us to a traditional Greek restaurant a few blocks away. Armed with a trusty map we eventually found it and had an excellent Greek dinner, fish for Gill, moussaka for me. It turned out that the restaurant was founded in 1976 in the capital of Greek cooking - St Albans!
Gill worked in St Albans in 1976 and we ate there quite often (it was married life BC – before children so we could eat out) but I suspect a Greek restaurant was a bit too adventurous for us back then so I don’t think we ever tried it.
Today we did the sights of Limassol; first off the castle which was quite good although I was a little surprised to see it had a modern burglar alarm on the outside, clearly not a secure fortress.
Next a museum dedicated to carob beans which are used as sugar substitute and as an additive in all sorts of chemical processes. The museum was over sold in the guide book and it did not detain us for long.
Finally we visited a rather scruffy but good archaeological museum which had some excellent bronze age pots and a big yard outside full of artefacts awaiting cataloguing or glueing back together which was even more enjoyable that the formal exhibits inside.
What is more they only charge old people 1.25€ to get in, a bargain.
Gill is standing next to a pot which dates from between 1650 and 1050 BC, quite impressive
I have just registered for the Limassol equivalent of "Boris Bikes" so either tomorrow or Saturday we may well go for a bit of a cycle.
A sculpture on the rather swanky promenade