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We have quite a few pictures of rainbows. Optimists would say that this is because it has been sunny, pessimists that it has rained.

Today has been quite good except for the wind which was incredibly strong on a very touristy walk we did today. One lady was being led back to the car park covered in blood, we assume she had been blown over!

We also visited what must be the most politically incorrect museum in the world. It was all about the Madeira whaling industry which lasted from 1940 to 1980. Lots of warm words about brave men in small boats throwing spears into whales which then bleed to death and are hauled ashore to be turned into oil, perfume and fertilizer.

Nothing about the cruel treatment or the possible extinction of the species. It was actually quite an interesting exhibition, very gory, lots of blood and guts but if you tried to have the same exhibition in the UK there would be uproar.