Getting Lower

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We have now walked further downhill and reached the civilised hub of the Himalayas, Namche Bazaar. I have just had my first shower for over a week and have put on clean clothes - bliss.
I am sitting in a very nice coffee shop drinking excellent coffee in the warm. Why the owner of the shop can make it so welcoming when the guest house is very cold, not very clean and certainly not inviting I don't know.

It seems that the backpacker places all compete on price and then charge for extras. I discovered that the place we stayed last night charged 500 rupees a night for twin room, thats less than £4. 

On top of that charging a phone or laptop costs 300R and in the few places that have them a shower costs 500R. You also have to eat in the same place and that costs another 1000R with breakfast. We would rather pay a bit more and have heating but this does not seem to be an option even in Namche Bazaar.

Todays walk contoured, mostly down, along the side of a very steep sided valley. The lunch stop was the best yet, a cafe with fantastic views of the valley, a very nice spring roll (about the size of a pastie) and APPLE PIE AND CUSTARD.
In a few minutes we are all going to the highest Irish bar in the world where I will buy a round to celebrate the birth of Henry Lucas-Jones. It will be the first alcohol for nearly two weeks.
Tomorrow we have a very long walk, the last of the trip. We then weather permitting, fly back to Kathmandu for a few days sightseeing.