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Friday 6th December 

Last night when, like true Brits, we discussed the weather with the restaurant waiter he said today was going to be a ‘Catastrophe’ so imagine our disappointment to find it a little cloudy and a bit windier but nothing special this morning.

It is a Bank Holiday, Constitution Day which celebrates 6th December 1978 when Spain voted in a referendum to adopt a new constitution following Franco's death. I am surprised none of the parties in the current election have not suggested that 23rd June (UK referendum day) become a public holiday, they have promised almost everything else.

Perhaps by catastrophe the waiter means the weather is not conducive to sitting outside his restaurant sipping wine in the sunshine, they have limited space inside.

Entering into the spirit of the occasion we had a constitutional around the town and along the coast to a very nice cafe (pictured right) where we had an excellent light lunch of fish balls and wrinkled potatoes (no, I did not make that up it is a local delicacy) washed down with a bottle of white wine.

It was warm and sunny although the wind made the sea a little more exciting as you can see from the before and after pictures above. The left hand picture was taken last Saturday, the right hand one today, not surprisingly the pools were closed today.