Two nights ago we were driving to dinner when we spotted the small inlet photographed at the top of the page, we imagined a nice bar overlooking the water, perhaps a few swimmers enjoying the lake so we made a point of cycling down there today. It was private houses all jammed together with one or two paths leading to a few feet of beach, this seems to be the Canadian way, a Canadian's House is his castle so keep out. Not really what we were expecting.
Whilst having a grumpy moan I am struggling with the bullshit which we always assumed was an American thing but seems to be endemic here as well. I was almost sick when I checked out of the Lodge where we stayed in the Rockies. The receptionist asked “Where are you going next” to which I replied “Revelstoke”, much the same as someone saying they were off to Craven Arms so I was not expecting “That’s awesome” as the reply.
Perhaps if I said I was going to the top of Everest or to molest small children I would have got the same response. All orders in restaurants are said to be perfect or good choices, no one ever is less than over the top positive so you never know if something is good or not.
Today we cycled along quite busy roads to another vineyard for a tasting (this one owned by a Sikh family, I thought they were not allowed drink, perhaps they just make and sell it to others) then to lunch in a nice restaurant before peddling back to our digs. The excellent electric bikes meant we did not have to work too hard despite some serious hills although they don’t seem to make fat saddles for old bums so we are both saddle sore. There are a lot of competing bike rental companies, the equivalent of Boris bikes has taken off here but you have to wear a helmet so each bike or scooter has a helmet locked on (a Lime scooter pictured). I have no idea how many get pinched.
Our bikes are being collected this evening and we hit the road tomorrow for Vancouver for a couple of nights in the big city.
Picture below is of a nice fishing lake which during May and June is restricted to disabled anglers or children under the age of 16. What a great idea.
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