More Salmon

Gill and I like to live dangerously. There are notices around Campbell River where we are staying which say “If it knocks to the ground leave town!”
This is because there is a dam upstream which they don’t trust to withstand a big earthquake the definition of which is it knocks you over. You then have 20 minutes to get out of the way! Of course if you are tucked up in bed on the roof of a truck you won’t know how bad a quake it was so we are doomed. The town of Campbell River is quite large, I don’t know if they can insure their homes against flooding.

Campbell River claims to be the Salmon Capital of the World and whilst I am no expert there seem to be an awful lot of fishermen not catching salmon and an awful lot of salmon on a mission to have sex in the rivers and avoiding being caught. We tried to photograph the thousands of salmon all 10-30lbs swimming in the rapids but none of our pictures came out. Then we saw a team of divers in a pool upstream who seemed to have better kit than us so I guess have lots of decent pictures of sex mad salmon.

We are off into the hills for a few days so might not update the blog until Friday.

This chap had all the gear, we did not see him catch anything

Wearing trainers, using a worm rather than a fly, he hooked a big fish but it broke free after 5 minutes

This chap, no fancy waders, hooked two big fish in the space of 10 minutes neither of which he landed.  plenty of "those that got away" stories to tell his mates but we were the only witnesses.

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