After Tuesdays excitement we have played safe, the truck keys never leave our pockets and we rarely lock all the doors.
Yesterday we visited Telegraph Cove which is the Ryanair of Canadian tourism. They charge $5 to park, the coffee shops are expensive and they even charge for WiFi. Whilst it was very picturesque were not impressed and after lingering for an hour or so to get our $5 worth we moved down the coast to Port Alfred which is far more civilised, free parking, free WiFi and a nice lunch.
We then booked into a camp site with a fine view of the water which is supposedly one of the best whale watching areas in the country. What did we see? A few seagulls!
Still it is a very nice location, good showers and even a laundry so no complaints.
In the picture at the top of the page Gill is leaning against a log, almost every beach on this side of Vancouver Island has washed up logs almost continuously along the high tide line. They are nearly all sawn logs which presumably have escaped from the rafts of logs which are towed around the coast to the timber yards one of which is pictured below.
The companies have already invested in chopping the tree down and trucking it to the coast yet they seem to lose thousands. There is no shortage of firewood for the locals it is just a shame camp fires are banned at the moment due to the dry weather.
I could not resist photographing the welcome sign to the town of Woss, do you suppose the residents are a bunch of wossies? Actually their bar serves very fine beef and chicken sandwich'es.
The Queen was the Head of State of Canada as well as the UK, but hopefully there will not be too much disruption to our plans, we are off to stay on a small island for the next three nights during which time we hope to go Grizzly bear viewing. Then we make our way back down the island as the truck gets handed back on Tuesday, fingers cross we don't lock ourselves out again.
Sorting out the wood from the trees
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